

當然提早進修外語有許多好處,可是除了發音可以從小進修起之外,事實被騙孩子年數大一點時,反而更善於進修措辭 翻譯社進修及熟悉第二措辭,確切有益於心智方面的成長,擁有雙語能力的孩子和單語能力 翻譯孩子相較,雙語能力 翻譯孩子在解決問題方面有較優秀 翻譯顯現 翻譯社

事實上,除發音以外,角力計較有效 翻譯進修是在年紀較長今後發生的。就發音而言,孩子提早進修英語或其他措辭的發音切實是有利 翻譯。從幼齡入手下手進修英語 翻譯孩子,對照隨意馬虎發一些母語中不存在的音 翻譯社

Q1: Like other countries in the world 翻譯公司 it is believed in Taiwan that it’s more beneficial to learn a second language when a child is very young. Would you please share your view with us on this based on your personal teaching experience?


研究陳說發現,一般而言,英語非母語人士與英語母語人士相較,非母語人士是對比好 翻譯外國措辭教員。此中有幾個啓事,第一:英語非母語的人曾歷經一段英語為外國說話的進修進程,且較能意識英語的措辭運作體式格局,英語為母語的人常日貧乏對於英語說話系統及法則 翻譯認識 翻譯社第二:英語非母語 翻譯人較能體會進修者 翻譯文化後臺,是以較能肯定教室中所採用的舉動是適合學習者的文化後臺。最後,英語非母語的人由於本身的經驗,比較熟知學英語時所面臨到 翻譯挑戰而且能找到體例降服 翻譯社

Children who have been in bilingual education programs often perform better on problem-solving tasks than children who haven’t been in bilingual programs. Children who achieve a high level proficiency in English and can be classified as bilingual 翻譯公司 have regions of the brain which are more developed than their monolingual peers. Children who are bilingual have been shown to have more cognitive elasticity.


       吳旻交         現任北愛爾蘭皇后大學TESOL研究所講師


ARecently 翻譯公司 I conducted a study, in Korea where I asked if parents preferred native or non-native speakers of English to teach their children. Upon analysis and reflection it was revealed that parents of younger children preferred native English speakers because they felt that the native English speakers helped the children to acquire better English language pronunciation. However, parents of middle and high school teachers only trusted non-native (Korean) speakers of English to prepare their sons and daughters for the even important university English language admission tests.

猶如其他國度,台灣大多半人都認為孩子越早進修第二外語越好,您 翻譯看法是?


Q2Many parents believe that foreign teachers are better English teachers than Taiwanese teachers. What’s your view on this as a foreign teacher in Korea and other Asian countries? What are the benefits of foreign teachers and Taiwanese teachers?


與巨匠對談 Language Learning and Teaching

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